Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why do I have so much trouble having a normal friendship relationship with  some one. I mean ever since I was a child I have had some unknown reason I have not had many close friendships, I never had a best friend. Not that I did not want to have friends, I actually wanted to be a normal girl who had friends to do things like go shopping, talk about boys, share beauty tips, go for mani and Pedi's and bond and share things like everyone does,  But for some reason I have attracted negative people most of the time, or people who present themselves as a friend but only when its convenient for them, friendship is not a one way street. For me I never get back what I put into any friendship. I am the girl that everyone always says Oh you are so sweet! Your Thoughtful your always thinking of me, You are such a caring person or you are such a good friend....  Yeah so why don't anyone want to be a active part of my life like normal friends do, why don't anyone ever think of me, why am I the only who reaches out to friends to keep in-touch or to invite them to go out do something with one of another, if I didn't contact them they would not even give me another thought, at least that is how I feel. I mean I am a great person, I care deeply about the people in my life, I would be there for them to laugh, to cry with them to celebrate to be silly together and to have fun.  What is wrong with me..... why can't I just have some normal friendships. What can I do more to make people like me to want to actually have me as a active friend